Takram for Better Digestion

Enjoy this quick and easy Ayurvedic digestive beverage.

Takram is a classical Ayurvedic beverage that offers natural probiotics, improves digestion, and increases nutrient absorption, while also reducing swelling and anemia.

Honestly, we should all be drinking it once per day — ideally after lunch for optimal absorption, but after dinner is also a great option. You can tell if you really need to be drinking it if, when you look at your tongue in the mirror, you see scalloped (or wavy) edges…as this is an indicator of malabsorption. In other words, if you observe this, your body is not fully absorbing the nutrients you’re consuming through the digestive tract.

Takram is here to help. 

When you make this beverage, always use organic, full fat, unsweetened yogurt…cow’s dairy is best, but you can also use goat or a nut alternative, as long as it does not have sugar. To make takram, it is important to churn (or blend) the yogurt until the butter particles rise, making it buttermilk.


2 tablespoons yogurt (organic, full fat, unsweetened yogurt)

1/2 tsp powered cumin

1 pinch nutmeg (optional, for relaxation)

1 pinch black pepper (optional, for kapha)

1 pinch of natural mineral salt

1 cup (8 oz) warm water (non-chlorinated)*

*Pro tip: Add 1/2 Cup (4 oz) cool water to the jar first, then top it with 1/2 Cup hot from your electric kettle to create the perfect temperature.


Combine all ingredients in a blender or small jar with a tight lid. Blend for 30 seconds or shake the jar vigorously for about 1 minute. Sip slowly after lunch or dinner.

NOTE: Avoid drinking takram if you are experiencing signs of kapha provocation.

Looking for more ways to improve digestion? Check out our Ayurveda for Better Digestion Virtual Workshop.

How to Make Ayurvedic Takram for Digestion Probiotics 9.jpg

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