New Workshop Coming to IOWA CITY!

Yoga, Tea & Ayurveda

Intro to the 3 Doshas: Learn the Basics of Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Are you curious about how to find balance off the yoga mat? Learning about your Ayurvedic dosha (or mind body type) may be the answer.

Join us for an introduction into the fascinating world of Ayurvedic doshas — the elemental energies that govern your mind body type. In this workshop, you'll gain in depth insight into each of the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – and how they influence your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga and offers a holistic approach to cultivating a more intentional life.

Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and RYT 500, Molly McConnell will guide you through a short embodied yoga flow, followed by a comprehensive and intriguing overview of each of the three Ayurvedic mind body types. You'll learn how to identify your dominant dosha(s) and gain insight into your personal constitution, tendencies, challenges, and even cravings!

From there, you'll discover practical strategies for balancing and harnessing your unique constitution through foods, herbs and daily practices. Whether you're new to Ayurveda or familiar with some of the concepts, this workshop is a valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding of yourself and enhance your well-being.

Organic herbal tea and handouts will be provided.

3:00-5:00 pm

Downward Dog Yoga
115 5th Street
Coralville, Iowa

Hands-On Workshop in BOULDER, CO!

BREathwork + Ayurvedic Skin Care

90 Minute Workshop

Join Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Molly McConnell, to explore natural skincare with Ayurveda and learn how to make your own healing herbal preparations. Walk away with deep self care rituals — along with your very own herbal face mask and tea blend — to reinvigorate your skin care routine and revive your natural glow.

In this 90 minute workshop, we’ll begin with a carefully crafted breathwork series to activate the flow of prana, soothe the nervous system, ignite your subtle essence and promote hormone balance. Then, we’ll sip tea and talk about how different botanicals can be used to support everyday beauty and body care. You’ll get a chance to experience Molly’s tried and true herbal mask for radiant skin — PLUS make your very own blend using organic ingredients.

Walk away with…

  • Ayurvedic Guide for Natural Skin Care Handout

  • 4 oz organic herbal tea blend for radiant skin

  • 2 oz organic herbal face mask 

  • A new appreciation for incorporating herbs and other household ingredients for skin and body care rituals

  • An embodied understanding of Ancient Ayurvedic self care practices 

  • A chance to win giveaway prizes from Banyan Botanicals

Please bring: yoga mat, small washcloth, mug for tea

7:15-8:45 pm

Yoga Pearl
900 Pearl Street
Boulder, Colorado

Sign up info coming soon!

“Thank you so much for your commitment to sharing these practices, and for targeting the needs of the community in this time. You're clearly living your vocation, and being invited to tap into that frequency with you has helped me be in tune with my own.”

— Laura

Thank YOU for being here.

We’re Sierra and Molly, two NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioners and the founders of Cultivate Balance. Learn more about what we believe in here.

custom workshops

In-Person and Virtual Learning Experiences on Curated Topics

We offer a range of workshops to inspire wellness amongst our clients and communities.

Springtime Wellness for Energy & Clarity

Ayurvedic Practices to Feel Your Best for The Season

As we settle into spring and new life is sprouting up around us, allow your body to experience resilience like never before by making small shifts to adapt to the changing season with Ayurveda. 

Join Molly McConnell to explore common wellness challenges that arise during this seasonal transition (brain fog, allergies, heaviness, etc.) and gain simple, yet powerful, tools ensure you remain light, activated and clear this spring.

Intro to the three doshas

Get to know vata, pitta and kapha.

Dive into the fascinating world of Ayurvedic doshas — the primary energies that govern your Mind Body Type. In this workshop, you'll gain in depth insight into each of the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – and how they influence your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

You'll learn how to identify your dominant dosha(s) and gain insight into your personal constitution, tendencies, challenges, and even cravings!

Then, gain practical strategies for balancing and harnessing your unique consition through foods, herbs and daily practices. Whether you're new to Ayurveda or familiar with some of the concepts, this workshop is a valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding of yourself and enhance your well-being. 

Eat Right for Your Mind Body Type

Discover a unique approach for what, when and how to eat for your constitution.

In Ayurveda, healthy digestion is the foundation of deep wellness. Your digestive fire is responsible for transforming the food and beverages that you take into your body into the nourishment that supports your thriving existence. When digestion is healthy and comfortable, your cells are nourished and damaging toxins cannot build up in your body. 

In this two hour workshop, we’ll begin with a short embodied yoga flow to support digestive strength, then we’ll sip herbal tea and dive into the core concepts. Beyond learning the overarching guidelines for healthy digestion, we will also explore how each mind body type experiences digestion differently, as well as specific recipes and remedies to support optimal absorption and assimilation for all doshas. 

Ayurvedic cleansing 101

Learn the basics of a traditional detox.

Rather than being about deprivation and control, Ayurvedic cleansing offers something different — an opportunity to reset your system in a way that feels grounded and nourishing. Join Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner Molly McConnell to learn why Ayurvedic cleansing is so effective and how it works, as well as what you need to consider when preparing for your own cleanse.

Molly will provide herbal tea as you learn about the key components of a traditional cleanse and discover ways to customize your own experience by working within a time-tested framework. You will also gain insight into the root causes of toxic buildup in your own body, as well as how to identify it and release it.

Foundations of ayurveda

Understand what Ayurveda is — and why everyone is talking about it!

Somewhere along your  journey you may have encountered the word Ayurveda. At the very least, you’re likely to have heard talk of Ayurvedic remedies or practices, as there are many that have worked their way into mainstream wellness practices.

Bring the Foundations of Ayurveda to your community. In this 2-hour deep-dive workshop, we’ll make the principles of Ayurveda accessible by applying them to the modern context.

We’ll cover the history and philosophy of Ayurveda in simple terms, and then provide practical rituals and remedies that participants can use to integrate Ayurveda into their lives every day.

3 Key Practices for energy & Clarity

Tap into your natural state of energy and clarity with easy-to-implement Ayurvedic practices.

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda offers us powerful and effective tools for navigating modern challenges of stress, brain fog, fatigue, burnout, anxiousness and so much more. If you want to learn where to begin in cultivating the capacity and resilience that will allow you to show up as your best, join us. Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner Molly McConnell will guide you through three core practices to steadily support inspiration, motivation, focus, and energy in everyday life.

KNOw yourself, know your people

Have you ever thought about the ways in which your mind-body type interacts with the mind-body type of the other people in your life?

Ayurveda is similar to astrology, the Enneagram and Human Design in that it offers us a way of knowing ourselves, and understanding those around us.

Ayurveda offers us a simple, profound and cosmic framework for appreciating not only ourselves, but our teams, partnerships, family, and community.

Join Sierra for an evening to discover new ways of knowing the strengths, challenges, and unique approaches of yourself and the people in your life.

Walk away with deeper self knowing, and insightful tools to inspire more connection, creativity and generativity in all your relationships.

More custom workshop topics…

Let us help your community develop the tools to sustain energy, support mood, mediate stress, and enhance digestion, so that they show up ready to support one another to serve your collective mission. Some of our accessible and solutions-oriented wellness workshop topics may include:

  • Seasonal Wellness Workshop Series

  • Radical Self Care: Feel Good, Do Good

  • Feelin’ the HEAT? Tips for Keeping Your Cool in Today’s World

  • Ayurveda for the Activated: Feel Your Best, Live Your Passion

  • Wellness Work Culture: Nurturing A Healthy Work Environment

  • Become A Self Care Extraordinaire: What Is Self-Care, And Why Is It Important?

Customize your own workshop by telling us a little about your current work culture and goals. We are eager to help you move forward with a more intentional, holistic foundation for nourishing your employees, group or community.

Looking to connect in other ways?

See our offerings for communities, groups, and corporations. Or, learn more about scheduling a private consultation.